Feral Minds

Exploring Mental Domestication

Thanks for visiting our site, and listening to the podcast. We hope you have been inspired to explore your own thoughts as we explore ours. If you would like to contact us regarding the show, our coaching services, or public speaking requests please visit the links below. We both have bio pages below were you can learn a little bit more about us and our experiences. Thanks for exercising your feral mind!

© Feral Minds

Feral Thoughts

Conformity is a powerful tool. It keeps us safe but it trends towards obselecenes. It creates thoughts that push us towards believing we need to be "like" others. The desire to be "liked" by others can often guide us towards acting "like" others and in doing so betraying our own interests. We both played conforming roles for years until we experienced our own personal awakening. It wasn't a magic moment for either of us but more of an accumulation of cultivated thought. We encourage everyone to evaluate your thoughts, your interests and your activities. Are you spending this life doing what you want to do? Are you exploring your passions? Do you have passions? These are all questions we can ask ourselves to start understanding our purpose.

The Podcast

The Feral Minds podcast is available on the following audio platforms


If I were to describe me to my previous self, I would say - I look like you want to look, I feel like you want to feel, and more importantly I’m free in all the ways you wish you were.Yes that is a G rated version of a Tyler Durden quote, but it does encompass my crowning achievement thus far in life. That is the progress toward mastery of the art of living.Sometime in my 30’s I realized the vast amount of my waking hours were barely tolerated, just getting by until I could reach my next desired distraction of choice. Those distractions varied from electronics, excessive eating, over shopping, overworking to oversleeping, but my favorite was alcohol.The answer for me was not just in eliminating the use of distractions, but to live a life that did not leave me wanting them, one of choice, purpose, and wellbeing. I began my journey toward that life and now have made it far enough to look back and see what helped me along the way and where it could go better.Though we all have to climb our own mountains in life, I hope to help your climb go better by discussing where I found some footholds on a journey to well being, to a place that when asked what it is I do I can say, whatever I want and so can you!


James is free spirit that enjoys the art of communication. James spent his traditional work life in the Caterpillar network occupying a number of middle management roles. James is now an active Real Estate Developer and Investor. He now builds, and operates his own properties.James is a certified life coach that enjoys helping people explore their potential. He believes in helping people where they need help and working with them to walk into their greater purpose.


We built the thoughtline to give you a chance to be a part of our show. By calling the thoughtline you can give us show ideas or ask for help in area where you are facing a challenge.Two options: we can use your first name or leave your thoughts anonymous. You decide.We built this show for you! Hop in and let's explore our thoughts together.
You can also contact us through the contact form on our website...both options will get you involved in the show.


We are both coaches and love helping people work through their valleys in life. We have have spent time walking the valley floor and know the feeling and self doubt that can creep in during our vulnerable times. We are here to help and accepting new coaching clients at this time. If you would like to talk to either, please fill out the form below with as much detail as you can and someone will be in contact with you as soon as possible.